Dandruff not only causes flakes but also leads to scalp irritation, oiliness, and itching, significantly impacting self-esteem and overall well-being. This multifaceted problem is influenced by sebum production, the scalp’s microbial composition, and inflammatory processes.
To address the burden of dandruff, CutiBiome CLR™ was developed as an effective aid. Derived from lipophilic extracts of Manuka, Black Pepper, and Magnolia, this synergistic complex supports the natural balance between the skin and its microbiota, providing relief for a healthier scalp.
Would you like some inspiration on how to formulate a dandruff remedy with CutiBiome CLR™? Watch this step-by-step instructional video by The Institute of Personal Care Science on how to create a natural anti-dandruff scalp serum. Enjoy!