
Female Health

Women never talked about female problems such as menstrual pain or menopause.

New generations have more courage and do talk about “private” problems in public. Now, their needs get the attention in media and product development they deserve.


Periodic Skincare

Modern women are much more open about their menstrual cycle than older generations. The four weeks cycle does not only influence their mental and physical state, the fluctuating hormones also have a large impact on the appearance of the skin. The skin of a woman can change from showing the even Hollywood glow everyone adores to a dry and sensitive skin with visible inflammations within a week.

CLR supports women to look their best at every day of their cycle, in harmony with the four phases. Discover how


Skin Balance Face Care

Natural You Jelly Face Scrub


Maternity Skincare

Compared to the previous generation, today’s moms are more likely to be in the workforce, they are more likely to give birth later in life, and they are more connected to information about health and well-being.

Skin issues of pregnant women can be:

  • Sensitive skin
  • Acne breakouts
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Stretch marks
  • Loss of elasticity


Luxury Well-being Mask

Color Change Day Care


Intimate Care

Important about intimate care is to create products which are “clean” and have pH levels that are balanced to help cleanse, hydrate, nourish and refresh a woman’s entire body without compromising her intimate areas.

Intimate Wash Gel



The dramatic changes in the hormonal balance lead to irreversible changes in skin.

Post-menopausal skin shows:

  • Deeper wrinkles
  • Paleness
  • Dryness
  • Loss of firmness
  • Increase in age spots


Age Spot Improvement Mask

Firming Night Serum


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